Research Article

Two Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in ADAM12 Gene Are Associated with Early and Late Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis in Estonian Population

Table 4

The genetic association of ADAM12 haplotype (rs3740199, rs1871054, rs1272278, and rs1044122) and radiographic knee OA features.

HaplotypeFeaturesGrade Grade ≥ P valuesim P value*

CCAA, whole groupOA in TFJ1.4%5.6%0.0050.024
OPH 1.4%3.8%0.0180.040
OPH in TFJ1.4%5.5%0.0040.030

CCAA, malesOA in TFJ1.9%15%0.00010.014
OPH 1.3%11%0.0050.028
OPH inTFJ1.2%15%0.00010.014

GCGG, femalesJSN19%43%0.0400.048

OA: radiographic osteoarthritis in tibiofemoral joint (TFJ); OPH: osteophytes; JSN: joint space narrowing; calculated haplotype frequencies in subjects with no radiographic changes (grade 0); calculated haplotype frequencies in subjects with late radiographic knee OA features; by 10 000 simulations.