Research Article

Establishing the Psychometric Properties of the ICOAP Questionnaire through Intra-Articular Treatment of Osteoarthritic Pain: Implementation for the Greek Version

Table 7

ROC plots, Areas Under the Curves.

Scoring scalePositive actual stateAUCStd. error valueAsymptotic 95% CI
Lower boundUpper bound

ICOAP-CP blue line00.7620.0560.0000.6530.871
ICOAP-IP red line37.500.6840.0960.1080.4960.872
SF-BP purple line320.6470.0900.1320.4700.824
SF-PF brown line350.6530.0950.1560.4670.838

Null hypothesis: true area equal to or greater than 0.5.
Bootstrap results are based on 1000 bootstrap samples.