Research Article

Can Faulty Modules Be Predicted by Warning Messages of Static Code Analyzer?

Algorithm 1

Procedure of TOE experiment.
Threshold of probability to determine FP and NFP
Predicted fault status (FP or NFP) of
for each in list of modules sorted by ’s
prob = fpclassify
 if prob > then
 if then fptrain
 if Experiment 1 then
  Generate a set of tokens from source code M.
  Calculate probability
   using corpuses and .
  Return .
 if Experiment 2 then
  Generate a set of tokens
   from warning messages W
   by applying PMD to the source code M.
  Calculate probability
   using corpuses and .
  if Experiment 1 then
  Generate a set of tokens from .
  Store tokens to the corpus .
  if Experiment 2 then
  Generate a set of tokens from
   by applying PMD to .
  Store tokens to the corpus .