Research Article

Tuning of Cost Drivers by Significance Occurrences and Their Calibration with Novel Software Effort Estimation Method

Algorithm 1

Sub-Model  1:
Step  1. Generate the MMRE (M) for Available Projects using actual and COCOMO estimated efforts.
(ii)  Input the 15 cost drivers, KLOC, Actual Effort for NASA projects.
(iii) [LOOP]
for to no. of projects (say )
EAF[ ] = D1 * D2 ** D15
Estimated Effort[ ] = [ ] * (kloc[ ] [ ]) * EAF[ ]
MRE[ ] = /Actual Effort[ ]
MMRE (original) += MRE[ ]
MMRE (original) /= [The original MMRE is obtained and noted down]
(iv) [END OF LOOP]
(v)   [END]
Sub-Model 2:
Step  2. for to 15
temp = Emi
Set Emi = 1
Calculate Influenced MMRE(MN)
List[ ] = ;
List[ ] = MN~M;
Emi = temp;
end for
Sub-Model 3:
Step  3. Sort the list according to the second parameter in descending order
For to 14
For to 15
If (list[ ] < list[ ])
swap (list[ ], list[ ])
end if
end for
end for
Step  4. Sig = list[ ] represent the order of Significance occurrences.
Sub-Model 4:
Step  5. for to 15
for = very low to Extra high (Six rating of cost driver)
Select Projects (P) as an input for calculating the fitness value using fitness function F1 = MMRE(P).
Set the range R as {Rmax, Rmin}
Generate initial population for the cost driver with Range R.
performs The Genetic operations for K generations.
(1) Tournament Selection
(2) Crossover with Pc = 0.8
(3) Mutation with Pm = 0.3
Select the individual (CDNEW) with the best MMRE
Step  6. Calculate the MMRE(Mmod) by replacing CDNEW with CDij
if (Mmod < M)
then update the value of CDij and M.
discard the value
end if
end for
end for