Research Article

SPOT: A DSL for Extending Fortran Programs with Metaprogramming

Algorithm 11

The SPOT program for parallelizing the algorithm.
(1)Transformer paraDijkstra{
(2)  Within(Function dijkstra_distance){
(4)  AddVariablesSameType(Integer, my_id, my_first, my_last, my_md, my_mv, nth);
(5)  Statement doStmt = getStatement("do step = 2, nv");
(6)  Before(doStmt){
(7)  OmpGetLoopIndexes4Thread(my_first, my_last);
(8)   }
(9)  OmpUseParallel(doStmt, private(my_first,my_id,my_last,my_md,my_mv,step),
shared(connected, md, mind, mv, nth, ohd));
(10)StatementFunctionCall callfind=getStatement(call find_nearest());
(11)SetParameters(callfind, my_first, my_last, nv, mind, connected, my_md, my_mv);
(12)Statement ifST = AddStatement(After, callfind.Statement,
if(my_md<md) then md=my_md mv=my_mv end if);
(15)Statement ifST2 = getStatement(if(mv/=-1));
(17)Statement ifST3 = getStatement2(if(mv/=-1));
(21)    }