Clinical Study

Management of Bladder Cancer following Solid Organ Transplantation

Table 2

Characteristics of patients with muscle-invasive TCC of the bladder.

Patient number1234

Age at transplant38586066
Type of transplantRenalLiverRenalRenal
Age at diagnosis44606370
ImmunosuppressionFK, PredFK, MMF, PredFK, PredFK, Pred
Pathologic stageT3aN0M0T3N2M0T2N0M0T2N0M1
TreatmentCystectomy, allograft nephrostomyCystectomy, neobladderPalliative XRT, Ileal conduitPalliative XRT
Followup (months)24361612
Metastasis (months)NoneNoneNoneLiver, pulmonary (12)
StatusAliveAliveDeceased (DIC)Deceased

FK: tacrolimus; MMF: mycophenolate mofetil; Pred: prednisone; CIS: carcinoma in site; TURBT: transurethral resection of bladder tumor; DIC: disseminated intravascular coagulation; XRT: external beam radiotherapy.