Research Article

The Long-Term Outcomes after Radical Prostatectomy of Patients with Pathologic Gleason 8–10 Disease

Table 1

Demographics and pathologic and clinical outcomes.

CharacteristicNo. (IQR)

Median followup in years8.2 (4.5–12.5)
Median age in years65 (61–69)
Median pre-op PSA9.7 (6.1–13.4)
Pathologic tumor volume5.3 (3.0–12.0)
Pathologic Gleason sumNo. (%)
Gleason 868 (74.7)
Gleason 922 (24.2)
Gleason 101 (1.1)
Pathologic stage
 pT228 (31.1)
 pT3/462 (68.9)
Positive margins48 (52.7)
Lymph node dissection and node status
 Nx34 (37.4)
 N049 (53.8)
 N16 (6.6)
 N22 (2.2)
Adjuvant radiation10 (11.0)
Salvage radiation10 (11.0)
Neoadjuvant ADT9 (9.9)
Salvage ADT19 (20.9)
Biochemical recurrence33 (36.3)
Metastatic disease8(8.8)
PCSM9 (9.9)
Total no. patients91 (100)

ADT: androgen deprivation therapy.