Research Article

Telehealth for Expanding the Reach of Early Autism Training to Parents

Table 2

Baseline and follow-up measures of change.


Parent fidelitya2.62 (.44)4.29 (.26)
MBRS parent responsivitya2.74 (.61)4.14 (.55)
MBRS parent affecta2.74 (.52)3.99 (.62)
MBRS achievement oriented behaviorsa2.46 (.48)3.79 (.44)
MBRS directive behaviora2.94 (.65)3.26 (.41)
CBRS attentiona2.46 (.51)3.92 (.12)
CBRS initiationa2.15 (.50)3.56 (.40)
Spontaneous verbalizationsb 3.44 (5.79)29.86 (15.95)
Prompted verbalizationsb1.89 (2.71)14.57 (11.03)
Spontaneous imitationb0.44 (.53)6.57 (3.31)
MacArthur CDI vocabularyc39.71 (39.87)147.43 (84.55)
MacArthur CDI comprehensionc107.57 (66.44)237.15 (93.14)
Vinelandc77.00 (12.39)81.29 (9.01)

aRefers to a five-point Likert-based rating scale; brefers to frequency scores; crefers to standard scores.