Research Article

Looking through the Same Eyes? Do Teachers’ Participation Ratings Match with Ratings of Students with Autism Spectrum Conditions in Mainstream Schools?

Table 5

StatementsLikert scale steps% disagree% near agree% agreeWeighted Kappa

I go on outings when the school arranges it54.823.871.4N.A.
My teacher helps me so I can concentrate during lesions55.065.030.0N.A.
I want to participate in P.E.55.331.663.20.64
I talk to my classmates on the phone/internet after school45.533.361.1N.A.
It is hard for me to get friends45.952.941.2N.A.
I meet my classmates after school49.
I participate in P.E.59.519.071.40.51
I want to go on outings when the school arranges it510.035.055.0N.A.
I talk to and are together with friends my age510.542.147.40.31
I can get angry at someone that I like411.
Me and my classmates decide together what to do413.677.39.10.05
My classmates likes me414.328.612.00.37
I do what my classmates want to415.
I get help from my classmates in school519.052.428.6N.A.
My teacher is interested and ask me about what I am doing520.
I answer when my classmates talk to me421.131.647.4N.A.
I can ask for help if I hurt myself during school421.147.431.60.06
I talk to people that are new to me422.244.433.3N.A.
I want my classmates to ask me if I want to join in with them522.238.938.9N.A.
I am with my classmates during recess523.842.933.30.27
I decide myself what to do during recess423.838.138.10.02
I am good at cooperating425.045.030.0N.A.
I sometimes pretend to like thinks I do not, for my classmates to like me425.035.040.0N.A.
I want to ask my classmates if I can join in with them528.642.928.60.02
I want to be alone during recess528.633.338.10.32
I want to answer my classmates when they talk to me528.647.623.8N.A.
I want to be with classmates during recess528.647.623.80.17
I can understand when my teacher explains to the class what to do530.
I try again if I am unsuccessful430.045.025.0N.A.
I am afraid to make mistakes430.
It is easy for me to get friends430.045.025.0N.A.
I help my classmates in school538.
My classmates ask me if I want to join in with them538.133.328.60.05
I ask my classmates if I can join in with them538.
I talk to my classmates in the classroom538.142.919.00.09
I tell my classmates if I think they act badly towards me438.
I want to talk to classmates in the class room538.
I can talk to my teacher when I want something538.119.042.9N.A.
I think my teacher and I understand each other538.152.49.5N.A.
I know what I am good at438.944.416.7N.A.
I want to help my classmates during school540.
I talk to teachers during recess540.
I am bullied at school542.126.331.6N.A.
I work with different learning materials than my classmates542.938.119.0N.A.
Me and my classmates are together as long as I want to545.
I can like a friend even if we sometimes disagree457.