Clinical Study

Prevalence and Predictors of Psychotropic Use in Children with High-Functioning ASDs

Table 2

Logistic regression results for the odds of taking a specific psychotropic medication class.

Model-medication class predictorB Wald Odds ratio

 DSD (ASD symptoms).0564.743.029*1.06
 DSD (ASD symptoms).0391.218.2701.04
 DSD (ASD symptoms)−.002.002.9631.00

To aide interpretation, odds ratios for inverse relationships were transformed by 1/odds ratio.
Total sample size was .
DSD: developmental social disorders subscale from the BASC-2.
aReference group is children with HFASDs not taking a stimulant medication.
bReference group is children with HFASDs not taking an antidepressant medication.
cReference group is children with HFASDs not taking a neuroleptic medication.