Research Article

About Face: Evaluating and Managing Tactile Impairment at the Time of Autism Diagnosis

Table 2

Item description and prevalence in children with autism.

ItemAutism spectrum disorderTypically developing children

Oral-tactile domain
  Avoids foods with certain textures78.9%41.5%
  Face washing is difficult73.8%20.0%
  Tooth brushing is difficult68.8%18.0%
  Eats very few foods63.3%16.6%
  Mouths or chews objects63.3%18.1%
  Haircuts are difficult72.3%21.4%
  Does not notice if the diaper is wet or dirty60.3%12.7%
  Avoids wearing gloves61.8%16.6%
  Cutting toenails is difficult62.3%24.4%
  Does not cry tears when hurt64.3%14.6%
  Refuses to wear a hat56.2%22.9%
  Cutting fingernails is difficult55.8%23.9%
  Head-bangs on soft surface38.2%2.0%
  Will only wear certain footwear36.7%20.5%
  Will only wear certain clothes43.2%24.4%
  Cries tears when he or she falls, scrapes skin, or gets hurt45.7%56.6%
  Head-bangs on a hard surface28.2%1.0%
  Prefers to wear the same clothes day after day29.7%13.1%
 Stares off into space73.9%31.3%
 Seems not to notice when spoken to in a normal voice79.4%18.0%
 Does not respond to his or her name72.8%9.8%
 Has to be prompted to make eye contact when spoken to67.9%25.4%
 Seems unaware when others are hurt73.4%9.8%
 Does not roll over onto back when asked52.2%1.0%
 Does not notice or react when tapped on the back43.2%3.0%
Self-regulation domain
 Awakens very early and stays awake65.8%25.4%
 Has difficulty falling asleep at bedtime62.3%33.7%
 Has difficulty falling back asleep when he or she awakens during the night64.4%15.1%
 Has difficulty awakening in morning31.7%14.6%
 Will only eat familiar foods83.9%52.7%
 Bowels are loose51.2%20.0%
 Does not seem to be interested in food50.7%17.1%
 Has difficulty calming when upset87.4%40.9%
 Tantrums or meltdowns80.4%51.2%
 Gets upset or tantrums when asked to make a transition82.4%29.8%
 Cries easily when frustrated71.9%35.1%
 Diaper is wet in the morning69.9%33.7%
 Wears a diaper during the day62.3%13.2%
 Is dry at night52.5%78.1%
 Is toilet trained46.2%91.7%
 Hits or kicks others58.7%35.1%
 Throws things at others18.1%19.6%
 Scratches or pulls others’ hair37.2%10.3%
 Bites others29.2%3.9%
 Gets aggressive or hyper with exposure to certain smells15.1%1.0%
 Hits self28.2%2.9%
 Bites self21.6%0.0%
 Pulls own hair18.1%1.5%
Other sensory domains
 Reacts strongly when others cry loudly or scream59.8%20.5%
 Is startled by sudden noises59.8%34.2%
 Covers ears with certain sounds61.8%32.2%
 Reacts poorly to certain everyday noises44.856.4%
 Looks at objects out of sides of eyes51.7%24.4%
 Is bothered by certain lights48.8513.2%
 Gags with certain smells27.2%7.8%
 Bowel movement is hard and dry32.6%14.2%
 Bowel movements are often green20.6%3.9%
 Bowel movements are twice a week18.5%9.3%
 Bowel movement is once a week14.0%5.4%
 Requires regular use of laxative to avoid constipation13.5%4.0%