Review Article

MoMuLV-ts-1: A Unique Mouse Model of Retrovirus-Induced Lymphoma Transmitted by Breast Milk

Figure 7

Examples of the flow cytometric analysis showing frequency of CD4+ and CD8+ cells from control and infected offspring. Samples were tagged with CD3 FITC, CD4 APC and CD3 FITC, CD8 PE. Upper left quadrant (UL) shows naïve lymphocytes. Upper right quadrant (UR) shows CD3+/CD4+ or CD3+/CD8+ frequency for cells positive for both CD3 and CD4 or CD3 and CD8 markers. Lower left quadrant (LL) shows CD3−/CD4− or CD3−/CD8− frequency for cells negative for both CD3/CD4 or CD3/CD8 markers. Lower right quadrant (LR) shows cells positive for CD3 markers only.