Research Article

Seroprevalence of Herpes Simplex Virus Infection in HIV Coinfected Individuals in Eastern India with Risk Factor Analysis

Table 1

Distribution of study population according to various parameters.

Overall demographic profile studiedHIV patients with HSV blister/ulcer
(HIV patient group)
HIV patients without HSV blister/ulcer
(HIV control group)
Non-HIV patients without HSV blister/ulcer
(non-HIV control group)

 18–25 years 8 (15.38%) 8 (17.78%) 9 (20%)
 26–35 years14 (26.92%)17 (37.78%) 8 (17.78%)
 36–45 years23 (44.23%)15 (33.33%)21 (46.67%)
 46–55 years 7 (13.46%) 5 (11.11%) 7 (15.55%)
 Male30 (57.7%)23 (51.11%)25 (55.56%)
 Female22 (42.3%)22 (48.89%)20 (44.44%)
Marital status
 Never married 2 (3.85%)5 (11.11%)11 (24.44%)
 Married 44 (84.62%) 31 (68.89%)30 (66.67%)
 Separated 1 (1.92%)1 (2.22%) 2 (4.44%)
 Widowed 5 (9.61%)8 (17.78%)2 (4.44%)
Socioeconomic status
 Lower (L)4 (7.69%)3 (6.67%)2 (4.44%)
 Upper lower (UL) 30 (57.69%)18 (40%)15 (33.33%)
 Lower middle (LM)17 (32.69%)18 (40%)18 (40%)
 Upper middle (UM)1 (1.92%)3 (6.67%)7 (15.56%)
 Upper (U)03 (6.67%)3 (6.67%)
Literacy level
 Illiterate (Ill)7 (13.46%)11 (24.44%)8 (17.78%)
 Up to primary (P)29 (55.77%)3 (6.67%)4 (8.89%)
 Up to middle (M)9 (17.31%)17 (37.78%)10 (22.22%)
 Secondary (S)4 (7.69%)10 (22.22%)12 (26.67%)
 HS and above (H)3 (5.77%)4 (8.89%)11 (24.44%)
Number of partners
 00 9 (20%) 8 (17.78%)
 128 (53.85%)9 (20%) 31 (68.89%)
 >124 (46.15%)27 (60%) 6 (13.33%)

Different socioeconomic classes as per modified (for 2012) Prasad’s Scale of socioeconomic status are based on per capita income in Rupees/month.
Lower = <585; upper lower = 585–1169; lower middle = 1170–1949; upper middle = 1950–3899; upper = ≥3900.