Research Article

Molecular Detection of Torque Teno Sus Virus and Coinfection with African Swine Fever Virus in Blood Samples of Pigs from Some Slaughterhouses in Nigeria

Table 1

Prevalence of swine TTSuV1a and TTSuV1b species in some pig slaughterhouses in Nigeria.

LocationTTSuV1aTTSuV1bOverall Coinfected TTSuV1a/TTSuV1bCoinfected TTSuV1/ASF

Jos12/77 (15.6%)2/77 (2.6%)14/77 (18.2%)0/77 (0%)4/77 (5.2%)
Kafanchan3/24 (12.5%)5/24 (20.8%)8/24 (33.3%)2/24 (8.3%)6/24 (25.0%)
Makurdi1/38 (2.6%)2/38 (5.3%)3/38 (7.9%)1/38 (2.6%)0/38 (0%)
Ibadan3/42 (7.1%)4/42 (9.5%)7/42 (16.7%)0/42 (0%)4/42 (9.5%)
Total positives19/181 (10.5%)13/181 (7.2%)32/181 (17.7%)3/181 (1.7%)14/181 (7.7%)