Research Article

Synthesis, X-Ray Structure, and Characterization of Catena-bis(benzoate)bis{N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycinate}cadmium(II)

Table 2

Selected bond lengths (Å) and angles ( for complex 1 .

Cd -O 2.373 Cd -O 2.190
Cd -O 2.375 -O 1.242
Cd -O 2.557 -O 1.253
Cd -N 2.465 -O 1.264
Cd -O 2.550 -O 1.234
Cd -O 2.311
O -Cd -O( )153.4 O -Cd -O( )156.8
O -Cd -N( )119.8 O -Cd -O 52.9
O -Cd -O( )87.7 O -Cd -O( )94.2
O -Cd -O( )155.3 O -Cd -O 129.6
O -Cd -O( )75.3 O -Cd -O( )117.6
O -Cd -N( )84.8 O -Cd -O( )93.1
N -Cd -N( )147.5 O - -O 121.2(4)
N -Cd -O 69.3 O - -O 123.0(4)

Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms:( ) , , ; ( ) , , .
This carbon atom (not labeled in Figure 1) belongs to the carboxylate group of the bicinate( ) ligand.
This carbon atom (not labeled in Figure 1) belongs to the carboxylate group of the benzoate ligand.