Research Article

Synthesis, Characterization, and Bioactivity of Schiff Bases and Their , , , and Complexes Derived from Chloroacetophenone Isomers with S-Benzyldithiocarbazate and the X-Ray Crystal Structure of S-Benzyl-β-N-(4-chlorophenyl)methylenedithiocarbazate

Table 1

Crystallographic data and structure refinement details of NS4.

Empirical formulaC16H15ClN2S2
Formula weight334.89
Temperature (K)150
Crystal class Triclinic
Space group P-1
Unit cell dimensions
(Å) 6.2206(7)
(Å) 9.7222(10)
(Å) 13.5943(14)
(°) 89.729(8)
(°) 101.960(9)
(°) 97.447(9)
Volume (Å3) 797.32(15)
(g cm−3)1.39
Radiation type Cu Kα
Wavelength (Å) 1.5418
Crystal size (mm) 0.06 × 0.08 × 0.18
Range for data collection (°) 3–72
Reflections measured/independent 7883/2834 ( = 0.0327)
Limiting indices
Refinement on
-factor 0.066
-factor 0.178
Goodness of fit (S) 0.97
Minimum and maximum residual electron density (eÅ−3)−0.45 and 0.80
Reflections used 2821
Number of parameters 190