Research Article

Effects of N-Terminal and C-Terminal Polyhistidine Tag on the Stability and Function of the Thermophilic P450 CYP119

Figure 3

UV-Visible spectra of thermostability analysis of 3.5 μM WT CYP119 (a), 2 μM N-His-CYP119 (b), and 1.4 μM C-His-CYP119 (c). Spectra were taken at different temperatures (25, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, and 95°C) after incubation for 5 minutes in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer at pH 7.4. The normalized ∆∆Abs (390–425) for C-His-CYP119 (△) and N-His-CYP119 (□) and WT CYP119 (◯) with respect to the temperature increase from 25°C to 95°C (d).