Research Article

Mitochondria-Targeting and Oxygen Self-Supplying Eccentric Hollow Nanoplatform for Enhanced Breast Cancer Photodynamic Therapy

Figure 2

(a) FT-IR images of MSNs and EHMONs. (b) Isotherm curve of nitrogen adsorption and desorption. (c) Pore size distribution curve. (d) Ultraviolet absorption spectra of the EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP. (e) Hydration particle size of MSNs, EHMONs, and EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP. (f) Zeta potentials of EHMONs, EHMONs-Ce6, and EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP. (g–i) Element mapping images of EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP.