Research Article

Mitochondria-Targeting and Oxygen Self-Supplying Eccentric Hollow Nanoplatform for Enhanced Breast Cancer Photodynamic Therapy

Figure 3

(a) The oxygen concentrations in water after adding H2O, EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP, EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP@PFC, and Ce6. (b) The ROSs produced by the Ce6, EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP, and EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP@PFC under different laser irradiation times. (c) Diagram of intracellular ROSs produced by different materials (1: control, 2: control + laser, 3: Ce6, 4: Ce6 + laser, 5: EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP, 6: EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP + laser, 7: EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP@PFC, 8: EHMONs-Ce6-CTPP@PFC + laser, power: 1 W/cm2).