Research Article

Awareness, Knowledge, and Acceptance of Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Sickle Cell Anaemia in Nigeria

Table 2

Knowledge of respondents who were aware of BMT when asked specific questions.


Do you believe SCA can be cured?116 (67.8%)55 (32.2%)171
What do you know about BMT?33 (19.3%)138 (80.7%)171
Does everyone that does BMT have complication?68 (39.8%)108 (60.2%)171
Which of the complications do you fear most?
 (1) Donor cells attacking host cells6 (3.5%)165 (96.5%)171
 (2) Sterility6 (3.5%)165 (96.5%)171
Who is the best person to donate?106 (62.0%)65 (38%)171
Is there any complication after donation?78 (45.6%)93 (54.4%)171
What is the major challenge to BMT?23 (13.5%)148 (86.5%)171
What is the estimated cost of BMT?33 (19.3%)138 (80.7%)171
What are the benefits of BMT?92 (53.8%)79 (46.2%)171