Research Article

Detection of Gene Interactions Based on Syntactic Relations

Algorithm 2

Detailed contents of LLL05 training data.
1> ID                     : unique identifier
2> sentence                   : the original sentence
3> words                  : list of the sentence words
                 transcription-word (id_word, “string_word,” start_word postion, end_word position)
                ex> word(0,“Both,”0,3)
4> lemmas               : normalized form of a word
                transcription-lemma(id_word, “string_lemma”)
                ex> lemma(0,“Both”)
5> syntactic_relations   : syntactic relation between two words
                 transcription-relation(“string_relation,” id of the head, id of the dependent)
                (a) string_relation is expressed as
                   “syntactic category:POStag of the head-POStag of the dependent.”
                   ex> relation(“mod_att:N-N,”8,7)
                (b) POS-tags: V, V_PASS, N, ADJ, ADV
                (c) syntactic categories: APPOS, COMP_prep, MOD, MOD_ATT, MOD_POST,
                   MOD_PRED, NEG, OBJ, SUBJ
6> agents          : agent of the genic interaction
                  transcription-agent(id of the word)
7> targets            : target of the genic interaction
                 transcription-target (id of the word)
8> genic_interactions     : an interaction between an agent and a target
                  transcription-genic_interaction(id of the agent, id of the target)
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