Review Article

Metabolic Control Analysis: A Tool for Designing Strategies to Manipulate Metabolic Pathways

Table 2

GSH and phytochelatin synthesis enzymes overexpression in plants and yeasts.

Overexpressed enzyme (activity fold)Organism (experimental condition)Metabolite Reference
(increment fold)

ATP sulfurylase (2.1)Brassica juncea2.1 [GSH][37]
ATP sulfurylase (4.8)Tobacco (unstressed)1.3 [S ][38]
O-acetyl-serine thiol-lyase (2.5)Tobacco (unstressed)2 [Cys] [39]
0 [GSH]
Serine acetyl transferase (>10)Potato chloroplasts (unstressed)2 [Cys][40]
0 [GSH]
E. coli GS (90)Populus tremula (unstressed)0 [GSH][34]
GS (3)S. cerevisiae (unstressed)0 [GSH][41]
E. coli γ-ECS (>2)Brassica juncea (unstressed)0 [GSH] [35]
B. juncea (+100  M C d2+)4 [GSH](a)
γ-ECS (2.1)S. cerevisiae (unstressed))1.3 [GSH][42]
E. coli γ-ECS (50)Populus tremula (unstressed)4.6 [GSH][34]
E. coli γ-ECS (4.9)Brassica juncea (unstressed) 3.5 [GSH](b) [43]
B. juncea (+200  M C d2+)1.5 [GSH](b)
E. coli γ-ECS (40)Tobacco (unstressed)>4 [GSH][44]
γ-ECS (9.1) + GS (18)S. cerevisiae (unstressed)1.8 [GSH][45]
PCS (>2)Arabidopsis thaliana (+85  M C d2+)0 [GSH][36]
Vacuolar transporter of PC-Cd complexes (>2)S. pombeHigher C [46]

(a)The increase was only in roots with no effect on shoots. (b)The increase was only in shoots with no effect on roots.