Methodology Report

Quantification of Small Non-Coding RNAs Allows an Accurate Comparison of miRNA Expression Profiles

Table 1

Low molecular weight (LMW) RNA mean concentration (% with respect to total RNA) for HeLa, COS-1 and LCL extracted with different RNA extraction protocols evaluated with Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. Standard deviations of at least three independent extractions are reported in parentheses.

LMW RNA Mean concentration (%)
Extraction method (total RNA)HeLaCOS-1LCL

TRIzol reagent (acid phenol/guanidine isothiocyanate)24 ( )34 ( )22 ( )
MirVana kit16 ( )19 ( )19 ( )
RNEasy kit2.5 ( )3 ( )3 ( )