Research Article

Quantification of Spatial Parameters in 3D Cellular Constructs Using Graph Theory

Figure 7

Point Pattern Analysis indicates that cells do not pick random locations. In order to show that cell locations obtained from segmented images are different from random scattering, we implemented CNND function . The function is plotted such that represents the fraction of the cell counts for which their nearest neighbor falls within the threshold distance . The -axis is the threshold value in the distance unit and the -axis is the value of G(t). As the threshold t increases, more and more cells have their nearest neighbor within the threshold. So, this function value always increases from 0 and finally reaches 1. The black line is a random distribution and the red line is the location of the segmented, experimental nuclei. Note that the difference between random scattering and actual cell locations becomes clearer for smaller and smaller values as the gels compact over time.