Research Article

Statistical Analysis of Variation in the Human Plasma Proteome

Figure 6

Hierarchical clustering of the 33 samples ( 𝑥 -axis) based on the abundance of the 78-identified protein spots on the 𝑦 -axis, using Euclidean distance metrics and average linkage methods. The samples are in SubjectNumberTime format, where SubjectNumber ranges from 01 to 11, and the Time values (x, y, and z) correspond to ( 𝑇 1 , 𝑇 2 , and 𝑇 3 ). The intensities range from 1.5 (bright green) to 1.5 (bright red). The dendrogram on the top indicates the order of the sample grouping, with samples corresponding to the lower leaves being grouped together first. Similarly, the dendrogram on the left indicates the ordering of the protein spots. All transferrin (TF) and vitamin D-binding protein (GC) identifications are highlighted in blue and red, respectively.