Methodology Report

Vaxign: The First Web-Based Vaccine Design Program for Reverse Vaccinology and Applications for Vaccine Development

Figure 3

Vaxign prediction of UPEC vaccine targets. (a) Selection of E. coli CFT073 as a seed genome. Different filter options are applied: only outer membrane proteins, maximum of one transmembrane helix, minimum adhesin probability of.51, having orthologs in other three UPEC genomes but no orthologs in K-12 strain M1655, and no similarity to any human or mouse proteins. (b) In total 22 proteins were predicted to meet selected criteria. (c) Detailed results for a particular protein, for example, NmpC. MHC Class I and II epitope prediction results are also available and can be further filtered. (d) Prediction of α-helices and their possible cellular locations of NmpC. (e) Prediction of 𝛽 -barrels and their possible cellular locations of NmpC.