Research Article

Rotavirus-Like Particles: A Novel Nanocarrier for the Gut

Figure 3

Efficiency of VLP internalization in intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. (a) Fluorescence microscopy of MA104 cells after 20-minute exposure to complete GFP-VLP (green label) treated or not with trypsin. MA104 cell surface was labeled using WGA lectin (red label). A representative image of 5 independent experiments is shown. (b) Internalization was quantified by measuring the GFP fluorescence at the cell surface using the built-in Leica software. Results are expressed as the amount of GFP fluorescence (a.u.) at the cell surface as a function of time. Results are means of 5 independent experiments. (c) Detection of GFP within cell homogenates using ELISA assay. GFP amounts were determined immediately after the initial 20-minute interaction between cell and GFP-VLP (time 0) and then for the indicated times. Samples were tested in triplicate in two independent experiments. Results are expressed as the mean absorbance value ± standard deviation (sd).