Research Article

Developmental Stage-Specific Imprinting of IPL in Domestic Pigs (Sus scrofa)

Table 1

Allelic and genotypic frequencies of the domestic pigs IPL gene.

Genotype AlleleLandrace (N = 90)Yorkshire (N = 50)Duroc (N = 90) 𝑃 a value 𝑃 b value 𝑃 c value

CC (%)49 (54.4)33 (66.0)43 (47.8).184.371.038
TT (%)35 (38.9)14 (28.0)40 (44.4).196.450.055
CT (%)6 (6.7)3 (6.0)7 (7.8).878.773.696
C (%)104 (57.8)69 (69.0)93 (51.7).064.244.005
T (%)76 (42.2)31 (31.0)87 (48.3).064.244.005

𝑃 a value: Landrace versus Yorkshire; 𝑃 b value: Landrace versus Duroc; 𝑃 c value: Yorkshire versus Duroc.