Review Article

Uncovering the Complexity of Transcriptomes with RNA-Seq

Figure 4

Strand-Specific Read Distribution in UCSC Genome Browser and IGV. (a) UCSC Genome Browser showing an example of stranded sequences generated by RNA-Seq experiment on NGS platform. In particular, the screenshot—of a characteristic “tail to tail” orientation of two human genes—clearly shows the specific expression in both strands where these two genes overlap, indicating that the strandedness of reads is preserved. (b) The same genomic location in the IGV browser, showing the reads (coloured blocks) distribution along TMED1 gene. The grey arrows indicate the sense of transcription. The specific expression in both strands where the genes overlap, indicates that the strandedness of reads is preserved. In (c) a greater magnification of the reads mapping to the same region at nucleotide level, useful to SNP analysis. The chromosome positions are shown at the top and genomic loci of the genes are shown at the bottom of each panel.