Research Article

Both Basic and Acidic Amino Acid Residues of Are Involved in Triggering Substate of RyR1

Figure 1

Properties of single channel gating in IpTxa-modified native RyR1. (a) Channel current traces of a single skeletal RyR1 in planar lipid bilayers activated by various concentrations of IpTxa. IpTxa at 6–100 nM (final) was added to the cis solution to activate the channel. Channel openings are shown as downward deflections. Channel activities were recorded at a holding potential of −30 mV. (b) A plot of versus concentration of IpTxa to activate rabbit skeletal RyR1. Data points are means ± SE of ten experiments. (c) A plot of versus IpTxa concentration for rabbit skeletal RyR1. Data points are means ± SE of 9 experiments.