Methodology Report

Adherent Primary Cultures of Mouse Intercostal Muscle Fibers for Isolated Fiber Studies

Figure 3

Intercostal fibers exhibit decreased peak amplitude of the Indo-1 transient following a single action potential. (a) Average Indo-1 ratio transients from FDB (red trace; ) and Intercostal (ITC; green trace; ) fibers. Isolated fibers were stimulated with field electrodes at time zero and emission ratio was examined. (b) Bar plot summarizing resting Indo-1 ratio averages of FDB and ITC fibers. No significant differences in resting indo1 ratio were detected between groups ( ). (c) Traces from panel (a), expressed as Δindo-1 ratio (Indo1 ratio—Indo1 ratio at rest). (d) Bar plot representation of peak ΔIndo-1 ratio shown in (c), FDB = 0.61 ± 0.04, ; ITC = 0.40 ± 0.04, ; * . Error bars in (d) are the SE values. ITC fibers displayed significantly reduced transients when compared with FDB fibers.