Methodology Report

Adherent Primary Cultures of Mouse Intercostal Muscle Fibers for Isolated Fiber Studies

Figure 5

Comparison of electrically evoked transients between intercostal and FDB fibers. Average fluo4 transient from FDB ((a), red trace; ) or intercostals fibers ((b), ITC, green trace; ) in response to 5 sec 10 Hz train field stimulation. Traces in (c) were normalized to the amplitude of the initial response. At the end of the 5 sec train, ITC fibers demonstrated significantly smaller relative decrease of transient amplitude compared to FDB counterparts ( ). ITC muscle fibers exhibit decreased peak amplitude of the fluo-4 transients in response to a single field stimulus; however, the intercostals are able to maintain consistent levels of calcium during repetitive stimulation. Fluorescence was detected as in Figure 4.