Research Article

IgG Responses to Tissue-Associated Antigens as Biomarkers of Immunological Treatment Efficacy

Figure 2

IgG responses to prostate-associated antigens are elicited following prostate cancer-directed therapies. Sera from patients pretreatment and three months following treatment with androgen deprivation ((a), ), a PSA-targeted viral vaccine ((b), ), or a PAP-targeted DNA vaccine ((c), ) were evaluated for IgG responses to 126 prostate-associated antigens. Antigens (detailed in Supplemental table 1) are grouped according to the original studies from which they were derived (prostatitis antigens, cancer-testis antigens, or antigens detected by SEREX from individual subjects), and IgG responses were scored as previously described [15]. Shown is a heatmap representing gain of response pretreatment to posttreatment (light green), loss of response following treatment (black), or no change in response (dark green) for all subjects (in rows) and all antigens (in columns).