Research Article

HKC: An Algorithm to Predict Protein Complexes in Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

Pseudocode 1

Procedure Scoring.
 PPI network (an indirect simple graph):
 Node score threshold: T1 and T2
 Cohesion threshold: T3
 The predicted protein clusters: Clusters
Call Scoring
Call ClusterFinding
Call Filtering
// step1: scoring
Procedure Scoring
for all node n in do
  score(n) = 0
end for
 for all node n in do
  compute the degree of n
  N = neighborhood (n) // neighborhood returns the
           // direct neighborhood of n (including n)
  H = hkc(N) // hkc returns the highest k-core of N
   = the maximal k value corresponding to H
  NH = the number of nodes in H
  den(H) = the density of H
  for all node m in H do
      // compute the score of node
  end for
end for
end procedure