Research Article

Tocotrienol-Rich Fraction Prevents Cell Cycle Arrest and Elongates Telomere Length in Senescent Human Diploid Fibroblasts

Figure 7

Effects of tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) on telomere length and telomerase activity. Representative Southern blot analysis of young, presenescent and senescent HDFs. Telomeric DNA is shown as wide smears in all lanes. Lane 1: molecular weight marker, lane 2: positive control DNA, lane 3: untreated young HDFs, lane 4: TRF-treated young HDFs, lane 5: untreated presenescent HDFs, lane 6: TRF-treated presenescent HDFs, lane 7: untreated senescent HDFs, lane 8: TRF-treated senescent HDFs (a). Telomere length (Terminal Restriction Fragments) of young, presenescent and senescent HDFs. Shortening of telomere length was observed with senescence of HDFs. Protective effects of TRF against telomere shortening was observed in senescent HDFs. aDenotes compared to untreated young HDFs, compared to untreated senescent HDFs. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, (b). Representative PCR analysis for telomerase activity of young, presenescent and senescent HDFs. Lane 1: molecular weight marker, lane 2: positive control, lane 3: positive control (heat treated), lane 4: TSR8 (1 μL), lane 5: TSR8 (2 μL), lane 6: negative control, lane 7: untreated young HDFs, lane 8: untreated young HDFs (heat treated), lane 9: TRF-treated young HDFs, lane 10: TRF-treated young HDFs (heat treated), lane 11: untreated presenescent HDFs, lane 12: untreated presenescent HDFs (heat treated), lane 13: TRF-treated presenescent HDFs, lane 14: TRF-treated presenescent HDFs (heat treated), lane 15: untreated senescent HDFs, lane 16: untreated senescent HDFs (heat treated), lane 17: TRF-treated senescent HDFs, lane 18: TRF-treated senescent HDFs (heat treated), lane 19: molecular weight marker (c). Telomerase activity (Total Product Generated, TPG) of young, presenescent and senescent HDFs. Treatment with TRF significantly increased the telomerase activity in senescent HDFs. aDenotes compared to untreated senescent HDFs. Data is presented as mean ± SEM, (d).