Research Article

Enteromorpha compressa Exhibits Potent Antioxidant Activity

Table 9

Ascrobate oxidase and catalase content of Enteromorpha compressa collected in different seasons.

SeasonsAscorbate oxidaseCatalase
(Euχ103/mg protein)(μmole H2O2/min/mg protein)

Spring28.15 ± 2.45.85 ± 0.6
Summer41.8 ± 3.66.95 ± 0.2
Autumn35.86 ± 1.46.35 ± 1.0
Winter30.05 ± 0.95.80 ± 0.6

Each value is presented as mean of triplet treatments; LSD: least significantly different at P ≤ 0.01 according to Duncan’s multiple range test.