Research Article

Collagen-Based Films Containing Liposome-Loaded Usnic Acid as Dressing for Dermal Burn Healing

Figure 2

Histological sections stained in HE. Seven days: (Ia) Lack of inflammatory response in the center of the burned area in COL. (Ib) Inflammatory infiltrate rich in polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pmn) in PHO. (Ic) Expressive content of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pmn) in the top of the wound, and early granulation tissue (gt) formation in the bottom, in UAL. Fourteen days: (IIa and IIb) Intense acute inflammatory reaction (a) scattered within the burned area in COL and PHO, respectively. Neutrophils seen in detail. (IIc) Moderate infiltrate of neutrophils and lymphocytes in association to expressive fibroblastic proliferation (fb) in UAL. Fibroblasts seen in detail. Twenty-one days: (IIIa and IIIb) Vascular component (arrows), and chronic inflammatory infiltrate, still evident in COL and PHO, respectively. (IIIc) Scanty inflammatory cells are seen within the cicatricial tissue (ct) in UAL.