Research Article

Biomarkers of Adverse Response to Mercury: Histopathology versus Thioredoxin Reductase Activity

Figure 1

Histopathological observations in the liver of Diplodus cervinus after 28 days of exposure. (a) control group: section of polygonal hepatocytes cords (bar = 50  𝜇 m); (b) exposure to Hg2+: extensive necrosis with congestion of sinusoids and pigment deposition (pd), nuclear hypercromatose (nhc), picnotic nucleus (pn) and cytolysis (cy) (bar = 50  𝜇 m); (c) exposure to MeHg: extensive cytoplasmic degenerative vacuolization (cdv) with large, smooth-edged vacuoles (v) (bar = 50  𝜇 m); (d) co-exposure to MeHg and Se: focal coagulative necrosis (cn) associated to blood congestion (arrowhead) (bar = 200  𝜇 m).