Research Article

A Privacy-Preserved Analytical Method for eHealth Database with Minimized Information Loss

Algorithm 1

ECG composer algorithm.
(1) Given: Database schema Ω; Application Context Ψ;
QID List Γ;
(2) AL: Attribute list;
(3) QL: Target QID list;
(4) S: node set;
 //Create ECG
(5) S = Construct the node set from Ψ;
(6) Build the direct edge set for each pair of ( 𝑆 𝑖 , 𝑆 𝑖 ) based on the order of the QID accesses in Ψ;
(7) For each node 𝑆 𝑖 { // 𝑆 𝑖 S (i: number of node);
(8)  Extract the corresponding (Table, AL, Condition);
(9)  QL = AL;
(10)  If (QL != Φ) {
(11)   Update (TABLE, QL, Condition) for 𝑆 𝑖 ;
(14)  Assess risk for 𝑆 𝑖 ;
(15)  }
(16) }