Research Article

A Privacy-Preserved Analytical Method for eHealth Database with Minimized Information Loss

Algorithm 2

Privacy Tailor algorithm.
(1) Given ECG & Threshold;
(2) main(){
(3)   while(ok==0){  //Set ok = 1 when finish
(4)     recheck=0;
(5)     Node_information=compute(ECG);
         //Compute information loss and Re-ID risk
(6)     Re-id_risk=getRisk(Node_information);
(7)    if(Re-id_risk > Threshold){
(8)       target=Find_De-id_target();
(9)       De-id(target);
(10)     recheck=1;
(11)     node=0;
(12)     }
(13)     if(recheck!=1){
(14)      if(node_number == max){
(15)        ok=1; //Reach the last node and end the process
(16)      }
(17)       else{ node_number++; }
(18) }
(19)   }
(20) } // End of main
(21) Find_De-id_target(){
(22)   Compute aggregate risk for each node at each node;
(23)   Choose the highest risk node;
(24)   return node; }