Review Article

The Nucleolus of Caenorhabditis elegans

Figure 1

Diagram and Nomarski micrographs of adult worm structures. (a) An illustration of the hermaphrodite adult worm showing the major systems and organs, not in precise proportions. Rectangular boxes indicate parts taken using Nomarski optics as shown in (b) (gonad), (c, d) (tail), and Figure 2 (head region). (b) A section of a gonad arm under the light microscope. Relative positions in the gonad are indicated as distal, loop, and proximal. White arrowheads indicate the nucleoli in the corresponding cells, germ cells, and oocyte. Note that the nucleolus in the -1 oocyte is absent, and that the diameter ratio of nucleolus to nucleus decreases from germ cells to oocytes. The scale bar represents 10 μm; (c, d) the tail section showing hypodermal cell nucleoli (indicated by arrows). N2 is a wild-type worm and Ncl-1 is a mutant with loss of NCL-1 function. Scale bars indicate 10 μm.