Research Article

Plasmodium Riboprotein PfP0 Induces a Deviant Humoral Immune Response in Balb/c Mice

Figure 6

Polyreactive serum anti-PfP0C0 response observed in uncomplicated malaria patients, but not in immune adults living in high endemicity areas. (a) Box plots showing the 25th and 75th percentiles, together with the median, with whiskers showing the minimum and maximum difference and filled circles representing the outliers in anti-PfP0 responses of sera from patients of uncomplicated malaria ( 𝑛 = 4 9 ) and immune adults ( 𝑛 = 3 0 ) as determined in ELISA. (b) Box plots showing the 25th and 75th percentiles, together with the median, with whiskers showing the minimum and maximum difference and filled circles representing the outliers of % polyreactivity in anti-PfP0 responses of sera from patients and immune adults. The sera were treated or not with DNP-sepharose beads, and anti-PfP0 titre before and after treatment was determined in ELISA to determine the % polyreactivity.