Review Article

Salinomycin as a Drug for Targeting Human Cancer Stem Cells

Figure 4

Serum levels of the tumor marker SCC (squamous cell carcinoma antigen) determined in an 82-year-old female patient with advanced vulvar carcinoma (see Section 7.2. Case  2) at various time points: at tumor progression after 150 mg/day erlotinib for 30 days (progression after Erlo); at tumor regression 2 weeks after 14 intravenous administrations of 200 μg·kg−1 salinomycin every second day combined with 150 mg erlotinib every day for 30 days (2 weeks after Sal/Erlo); at tumor progression 3 months after 14 intravenous administrations of 200 μg·kg−1 salinomycin every second day combined with 150 mg erlotinib every day for 30 days (3 months after Sal/Erlo); at stable disease 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 4 months after 12 intravenous administrations of 250 μg·kg−1 salinomycin every second day, without addition of erlotinib (2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 4 months after Sal). Adapted from [105].