Research Article

In Silico Prediction and In Vitro Characterization of Multifunctional Human RNase3

Figure 6

Binding activity of wild-type and mutant hRNase3 to LMWH. Heparin binding activity of hRNase3 and its HBR mutants were assessed by FACE. The value of labeled LMWH in the absence of protein was measured and set as 100%. Relative intensity of LMWH signal of each protein was normalized to LMWH only signal and was marked at the bottom; lane 1-LMWH only; Lane 2-hRNase3; lane 3-HBR1-mtRNase3; lane 4-HBR2-mtRNase3; lane 5-HBR3-mtRNase3; lane 6-HBR12-mtRNase3; lane 7-HBR13-mtRNase3; lane 8-HBR23-mtRNase3; lane 9-HBR123-mt RNase3.