Research Article

The Use of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Combined with Computer-Based eMPC Algorithm for Tight Glucose Control in Cardiosurgical ICU

Table 2

The study blood glucose control data. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. The percentages of time in the specific ranges were calculated as number of hours in the selected range in each patient/24 * 100.

eMPCeMPC + Guardian

Baseline blood glucose <0.05
The entire study blood glucose control data
 Average blood glucose (mmol/L) n.s.
 Time in target range (%) n.s.
 Time above target range (>6.1 mmol/L; %) n.s.
 Time below target range (<4.4 mmol/L; %) n.s.
 Severe hypoglycemia episodes (≤2.9 mmol/L)20
Blood glucose control data after reaching the target range (4.4–6.1 mmol/L)
 Average blood glucose (mmol/L) n.s.
 Time to target range (h) n.s.
 Time in target range (%) n.s.
 Time above target range (>6.1 mmol/L; %) n.s.
 Time below target range (<4.4 mmol/L; %) n.s.
 Severe hypoglycemia episodes (≤2.9 mmol/L)20