Clinical Study

Appendicostomy in Preschool Children with Anorectal Malformation: Successful Early Bowel Management with a High Frequency of Minor Complications

Table 5

The use of the appendicostomy among the children with anorectal malformation operated on with appendicostomy at 1–6 years of age, with a median follow-up time of 5 (0.5–14) years.

Questionnaires Answer Median (range) Number

Stopped using the appendicostomy (years)5 (1.5–10)3
Total volume enema used at each treatment (mL) 850 (200–3000) 14
Volume enema used at each treatment (mL/kg) 35 (11–80) 14
Time needed to administer the enema and finish the bowel emptying (min) 45 (15–60) 14
Frequency of the use of the appendicostomy
Once daily 10
Three times daily 1
Every other day 2
Weekly 1
Appendicostomy could be recommended to others in the same situation Yes 15
No 2*
Use of Chait button 8

Comments: (1) too early to evaluate and (2) were satisfied but had heard negative experiences from others.