Clinical Study

Changes in Frequency-Doubling Perimetry in Patients with Type I Diabetes prior to Retinopathy

Table 1

Demographic data and results of FDT in both study groups. was considered statistically significant (in bold print).

ControlDiabetics value*

Age (yrs)27.19.1426.68.30.875
BCVA (Snellen)0.930.10.940.10.645
IOP (mmHg)14.932.214.722.40.680
FDT MD (dB)0.251.52−
FDT PSD3.430.393.780.950.035
Test time (min)4.330.274.370.440.692

Student’s -test.
BCVA: best-corrected visual acuity; IOP: intraocular pressure; FDT: frequency-doubling perimetry; MD: mean deviation; PSD: pattern standard deviation; SD: standard deviation.