Clinical Study

Erlotinib and Concurrent Chemoradiation in Pretreated NSCLC Patients: Radiobiological Basis and Clinical Results

Table 1

Patient characteristics.


N 60
Age (yr), median (range)65.5 (39–83)
Sex, N (%)
 Male42 (70)
 Female18 (30)
ECOG performance status, N (%)
 045 (75)
 115 (25)
Stage, N (%)
 IIIA20 (33)
 IIIB19 (32)
 Relapse (mediastinal) 6 (10)
 IV (oligometastatic)15 (25)
Histology, N (%)
 Squamous cell 20 (33)
 Adenocarcinoma39 (65)
Previous chemotherapy, N (%)
 Yes54 (90)
 No 6 (10)
Number of previous chemotherapy cycles:
 Median (range)4 (1–12)
Response to previous chemotherapy
 PR 24 (40)
 SD28 (46)
 PD2 (4)
 No previous chemo6 (10)

Legend: PR: partial response; SD: stable disease; PD: progression disease.