Research Article

The Continuing Debate on Deep Molluscan Phylogeny: Evidence for Serialia (Mollusca, Monoplacophora + Polyplacophora)

Figure 3

Chronogram of molluscan evolution. Divergence times (million years before present, Ma) estimated from BEAST version 1.6.1 [34] under an uncorrelated lognormal relaxed clock model; bars refer to the 95% highest posterior density. All nodes show maximum posterior probabilities (1.0, not indicated) from a run with 108 generations (25% burn-in). Numbers at nodes refer to bootstrap support values (>50%; asterisks are 100%) obtained from separate Maximum Likelihood analysis (RAxML [28], hardway, 1000 pseudoreplicates) of the same data set. Circled digits indicate calibrated nodes. Details of calibration can be found in Supplementary . Omitting Cambrian calibrations shifts molluscan diversification deeper into the Precambrian (for sensitivity analyses see Table 2).