Research Article

Association of Iron Depletion with Menstruation and Dietary Intake Indices in Pubertal Girls: The Healthy Growth Study

Table 4

Multivariate logistic regression analysis* examining the association of menstrual status and consumption of certain dietary intake indices with ID in 890a Greek pubertal girls.

Independent variablesIron depletion
(serum ferritin < 12  g/L)
Odds ratio95% CI value

Menstrual status
 Girls with menses1.00
 Girls without menses2.57(1.37, 4.81)0.003
Calcium intake (mg/day):
 >RDA 1.28(0.77, 2.15)0.344
Poultry (servings/day)0.19(0.03, 1.02) 0.074
Fruits (servings/day)0.99(0.77, 1.28)0.956
Packed fruit juice (servings/day)0.97(0.67, 1.40)0.859
Fast food (servings/day)1.16(0.14, 1.84)0.163

Adjusted for girl’s age, weight status, and tanner stage.
aUnderreporters were excluded from the analysis.
bCalcium recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for children 9–13 years old is 1300 mg/day.